Spiritual World: Training for Priests

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Dedication It is with profound gratitude and a sense of divine purpose that I present to you this book, "Spiritual World: Training for Priests." This journey into the mystical realms is not just an exploration of the unseen but a sharing of the spiritual encounters that have woven the fabric of my life.

Dear Esteemed Priests,

It is with profound gratitude and a sense of divine purpose that I present to you this book, "Spiritual World: Training for Priests." This journey into the mystical realms is not just an exploration of the unseen but a sharing of the spiritual encounters that have woven the fabric of my life.

Father Jose, with wisdom guided by the divine, urged me to write down these insights. He recognized the importance of priests understanding the intricacies of the spiritual world as they walk alongside those in need. This book is an offering, a humble attempt to bridge the gap between the earthly and the heavenly, drawing upon my experiences working with patients and my own visits to the spiritual realm.

In these pages, I extend an invitation for collaboration, a shared exploration of spiritual gifts. I believe that as we delve into the mysteries of the unseen, your guidance and insights can help me discern and understand my spiritual gifts more fully. The exchange is not one-sided; it is a symbiotic journey of learning and growth.

I express a special thank you to Father Jose, whose discernment and encouragement have been a guiding light on this spiritual odyssey. His wisdom, kindness, and the grace with which he approached our interactions have been a testament to the divine connection that unites us all.

To my esteemed priestly companions, know that my heart is open to support and dialogue. If ever the need arises for discussions, insights, or shared reflections, I am here. Together, let us embark on a journey of spiritual discovery, enriching our understanding of the divine mysteries that surround us.

With gratitude, reverence, and an open heart,

Kami Alaniz, RN, Founder of Just Brooke, LLC, Holistic Dream Life Transformation Coach, Author, Public Speaker, CPNLP