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🌟 Hey there, Dream Life Achievers! 🚀✨

Guess what? Kami here, the founder of Just Brooke, and I'm absolutely thrilled to share some fantastic news with all of you today!

🥂 Today was one of those days that calls for celebration – the kind where you break out the metaphorical champagne! Why? Because I officially signed a couple of contracts that have me over the moon excited!

First up, I had the honor of meeting with Anne, the amazing producer at CUTV/BlogTalk radio. And guess what? Jim Masters, the fantastic host, invited me back to do a three-part series! 🎙️🎉

I'm truly humbled and excited to dive into my story, share insights, and help others live the lives they dream of. Mark your calendars for January 30th, February 13th, and February 20th – we're going to have some incredible conversations!

But that's not all – today, I also had a heart-to-heart with my manager, Christopher. We delved into various aspects of my life, the good and the challenging. We discussed the power of being stuck and how certain incidents, even if they lasted just 15-20 minutes, can impact us for years.

And you know what Christopher said? He found it incredible that I'm ready to get up there and help people by being honest about my own experiences. As a registered nurse, I've helped countless patients over the years, and in my new role with Just Brooke, I want you all to know that I've been through challenges too. 💪

He praised the honesty and transparency I bring to the table, combining my nursing background, neurolinguistics programming certification, and life experiences to create a powerful impact. Shout out to Christopher, Jim, and Anne for their incredible support!

Let me share a little about being stuck – it doesn't matter how you end up there; the feelings can be similar for everyone. Self-doubt, second-guessing, lack of motivation, and struggling to cope – these are common threads.

I've been through it, and I get it. Holding onto grudges and not forgiving only hurts us, not the other person. It's like carrying a weight that does nothing but hold us back. I've learned that forgiveness is the key to freeing ourselves and living our best lives.

So, if you're ready to break free from being stuck, I've got all the tools you need on my website – from self-help resources to courses and personalized one-on-one sessions.

And here's a New Year's resolution tip: 40% make resolutions, but only around 8% succeed. Why? Lack of planning, overly ambitious goals, and not having a support group. Well, guess what? I'm here to be your support!

For those of you seeking the right one, remember – don't repeat the same patterns. Look for someone who aligns with your goals, supports you, and is there for you in good and challenging times.

I'm so excited for what's ahead, and I'm raising my metaphorical champagne glass to each and every one of you. Let's make this year extraordinary together!

Cheers to new beginnings and helping you live your dream life! 🥂✨

Thank you for being here with me on this incredible journey. Bye for now! 👋💖

🌟 Ready to take control of your destiny? Join the conversation in our exclusive group: Dream Life Transformation NLP Secrets for Professionals. Let's create a space for support, inspiration, and transformation. Together, we'll navigate the path of self-discovery, break free from limiting beliefs, and work towards your dream life.

💬 IM me for personalized assistance. I'm Kami Alaniz, your partner in this incredible journey.

🌐 Explore more at and discover the tools and resources I provide to empower your journey to succeeding at your resolutions and crafting a balanced dream life. Don't miss out on valuable insights!

📚 Visit my webpage for an exclusive journey into "My LifeTime Series To Dream Life." Dive into personalized experiences by scheduling a 1:1 session, unlocking comprehensive courses and bundles, or embarking on a DIY adventure with our empowering self-help videos. Let's turn your resolutions into a reality and create a balanced dream life together. 🌟

-Chat soon,

Kami Alaniz


Self Love+Self Honor+Healthy Boundaries=Better Relationships with Yourself and Others 1
